What's it gonna take...
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@funcityventures is the show on twitter
@funcityventures is the show on instagram
@bijanstephen is Remy, the Sleeper (human) Blooder
@randwiches is Merkis, the Jalasti Banshee
@nicholasguercio is Vynos, the Conscript (human) Tremulant
and @shodell is Beta, the Shoodtha Pir
@taylordotbiz is Herr, Pop, Dorito, Torres, Deep River and the Salesthem.
@mikerugnetta is everything else
This episode of Float City was recorded in various locations across Brooklyn New York. It was produced, edited and sound designed by Mike Rugnetta.
The Citizens of New York close their books and lock their chests / the mariners of Boston drop their anchors unlade / Pixlriffs casts his pen upon the earth
Our music is by Sam Tyndall - https://arpline.bandcamp.com/
Remy's flute playing is by Jake Fridkis - https://instagram.com/flutebros
Our art is by Tess Stone - http://notdrunkenough.com/
Our Discord mods are Olivia Gulin, Kit Pulliam and Kestrel
The voice of Artemis is Molly Templeton
CC-BY Licensed Music / SFX Use in this episode:
[intro music begins]
Molly Templeton / Artemis [IC] In the far future, faster than light travel is possible via portals called Stiffworks. Human and alien civilizations travel this way for millenia. Trade, war, and technology proliferate. Countless societies rise, thrive, fall, and vanish.
Eventually, almost everyone forgets the secrets of the Stiffworks. Almost.
Three hundred years ago, the Worshipful Company of Stillfleeters is formed on Spindle, a space station of unknown origin. They send fleeters into the void using Stiffworks, in search of profit. It is one hundred million years in the future. Welcome to Float City.
[intro music fades; Float City theme begins]
Mike Rugnetta / GM
[OOC] Previously, on Float City: the crew is given a hard bargain by the powerful extradimensional Rigamont trade lord the Saffron Anax: find out why the archivist Zeshdano Navelle is holding up a trade deal of his on the planet Kakudun, or he’ll terminate his three-century contact with the Co. and blame their rock-side troublemaking. Before long, the crew is sent to the artificial megamall moon Tsune, a.k.a. Gnarcossa, to fix a strange problem: moving foldgates of unknown origin are popping up and transporting tons of wreckage to locations of company interest, including Kakudun. The team is told to find the source of the foldgates and stop it. Once arrived, the team encounters six gnomes, who guide them through the gargantuan edifice and up to the top of a spire called The Plaats—the apparent source of the trouble. In an elevator unstuck in time, Oat sees a member of the super-future race known as the Snakemen, and suffers dire psychological consequences. The team eats some snacks, and in the cube-farm of the distance liquidation unit comes face to multiple-faces with a strange, seemingly technological entity. We join the team now as the negotiation begins.
[IC] [horrifyingly cheerful & tinny] [laughing] That’s just a little something we say around here! Just one of our little...jokes. Hi.
[OOC] Remy, Vynos: You hear this person speaking in perfect Spin. Merkis, you hear this Gelasti speaking in perfect Gelasti. All the gnomes hear Gnomish. And Beta, you hear this imposing beehive-wearing, sword-having commandant speak
[music fades; concludes]
Taylor Moore / ____ Mike / GM
Taylor / ____
Mike / GM:
to you in perfect Late Tefnian. Maybe the best Late Tefnian you’ve ever heard someone speak.
[IC] What if I told you I could get you in a unit—all of you in the same unit? Now you’re thinking that’s impossible. But I’m here to tell you that on Tsune, right now, right where and when you’re standing, you could already be having the vacation of a lifetime, with SpaceTimeShares. Now who’s interested? Show me those hands!
[OOC] And as they’re saying this, you can see the foldgates you noticed—that there are many, many little foldgates opening right around them, that there’s a kind of aura around them of these foldgates opening and closing very quickly. [humming, snippets of background chatter] They’re very dense around their body and that also, the diaphanous shapes, these people that you can hear talking for moments at a time, are just sort of blinking in and out of existence, like you’re moving back and forth across the position of a just-in-reach radio station, but like...six of them at one time, and they’re just sort of blinking in and out of audibility.
[OOC] Merkis is slowly about to raise a hand. [laughs] [IC] Oh, I see we got one taker! Who else?
[OOC] Zapp slaps the hand down.
[IC] Aww, come on! That’s not fair!
[IC] Excuse me, what did you say your name was?
[IC] Oh, my name? Sure. I’m [horrible, distorted shriek of static].
[IC] [moans, as one nauseated]
[OOC] Zapp shakes his head. Uhh...Pop. Do you remember how you turned them on? Is this the guy you turned on?
[IC] [a thick-as-gumbo, bayou accent] Oh, that would explain a lot of what’s been happening. [cast laughs]
[IC] Yes. It would.
Jenn de la Vega / Merkis: Taylor / ____
Mike / GM / Zapp Taylor / ____
Mike / GM / Zapp Taylor / ____
The cast:
Mike / GM / Zapp
Taylor / Pop
Mike / GM / Zapp
Taylor / Pop Mike / GM
Taylor / ____
Mike / GM
Taylor / ____ Jenn / Merkis
Taylor / Pop Jenn / Merkis Taylor / Pop
Jenn / Merkis
Mike / GM Jenn / Merkis
[IC] Perhaps, I, aah, perhaps I re-ac-ti-vat-ed this entity while I was trying to adjust the communications panel.
[OOC] And this figure starts to walk towards you. And, as they walk towards you, you can see that some of the cubicles that are between you and it, as it approaches them, they lower and they sink into the ground, and the trash that they’re full of just sort of spills out into a short mound on the ground. They just walk through it, and are approaching you.
[IC] Impressed? We have almost complete control of the local timespace fabric. Haha! You can imagine that with technology and a business model like this, haha, well, the sky’s the limit!
[OOC] And the ceiling that’s above you turns into a bright moonlit night sky that’s just full of shooting stars. You can see a bunch of galaxies, it’s like—just a beautiful cosmic scene.
[IC] I’ll ask one more time: who’s interested in buying a unit from me today?
[OOC] Merkis’ hand just tightens, and he’s just looking up at the sky and is getting really moony eyed, but shakes it off and turns to Pop: [IC] Did you say communications panel?
[IC] Yes, I did! [IC] Where is it?
[IC] Aah, it’s either up or down. I get it confused depending on which way I’m hanging at the time. [laughter]
[OOC] Ah. Can Merkis use insight which is burning one Grit, doing a check, and you can either find a clue, or McGyver your way into finding something.
[OOC] Sure, yeah.
[OOC] So I roll...a...Reason... [strangled scream] That was a two. Never mind! [laughs]
Mike / GM
Jenn / Merkis Taylor / ____
Nick Guercio
Taylor / ____
Nick / Vynos Taylor / ____ Nick / Vynos
Taylor / ____
Nick / Vynos Taylor / ____ Jenn / Merkis
/ Vynos
[OOC] It sucks that Pop does not remember where he was. This thing is definitely technological in some way...but like, it’s—you don’t know how. And you don’t know what strata; you have no idea what complexity. It’s very strange.
[OOC] Yeah, Merkis gets distracted looking at all the light fixtures and trying to figure out where the panel was.
[IC] I’m afraid that access to this quadrant of the spire is only for Serious Investors who’d like to make Good Choices for themselves and their offspring. It’s not a purchase—it’s an investment! Now...for the last time: who’s interested. in buying. a SpaceTimeShare unit. From—[OOC] he’s pointing to each of you in turn [laughter]—[IC] from. Me. To. Day?
[IC] Well, I must admit, you have piqued my interest with your ceiling trick, unfortunately we need to help these...gnomes with a problem they need to—are looking for a comm panel. If you could do me a favor, I could promise you a good conversation about some spacetime real estate. Now: could you make the walls clear? Except for the panel itself?
[IC] Of course. [OOC] And suddenly, all the walls vanish! And you are just, you’re sitting on a floor, you’ve got cubicles in front of you, and outside is the infinite void of space. There’s no temperature change, there’s no sound. The walls just go away. You can see space.
[OOC] This is extremely scary. [laughter] [IC] Don’t be scared.
[IC] Oh! I’m sorry; I do—we do still need to see the comm panel, though. Is there a control panel on this floor or the one above or below that you could show us.
[IC] I’m afraid that’s not my job. My job is to get you in a SpaceTimeShare unit today!
[IC] Well—I guess I’d prefer it back the way it was!
[IC] Okay! [OOC] And it happens—the walls reappear.
[IC] Hey Pop—how far in this conversation did you go with this person?
Taylor / Pop Jenn / Merkis Taylor / Pop
Jenn / Merkis Shannon Odell / Beta Taylor / ____
[IC] Uh...I don’t remember the details of our conversation. [IC] Did you go on a tour?
[IC] I don’t believe I asked for a tour, I believe I did my work...saw that I had failed at my endeavor...and I ran away.
[IC] Oh. Hmm...
[IC] How much are these units?
[IC] That’s a great question! Our pricing model is actually based on what you can afford. So after our administration department takes a look at your personal finances, we’ll be able to come up with a price that reflects your exact needs. Sign here!—[OOC] and his—well, I say he, but some of you of course don’t perceive it as a male-gendered entity—so they; they bring their hands up front and in between their two hands the space begins to sort of bend and lens a little bit. And this just sort of small, basketball-shaped foldgate just sort of pops into existence. The figure reaches through the foldgate and brings out some of that same sort of paper that you saw earlier, the sort of electronic video paper that was lying on the ground, and hands you a sheet of it, and it is covered in completely unparseable, illegible, language and writing that you do not understand, though at the bottom there is a clear blank line.
[OOC] It sort of looks like if you were to make a language out of shapes of the moon, but also it exists in time, so they’re always sort of moving a little bit.
[IC] So, uhh, friend. Do you have anything to do with these gates that are—these things that are opening up and flying around here? Cause it’s a little, I mean—I would like to purchase some real estate, but I feel uncomfortable with the number of portals opening and closing—
[IC] Yes, good point, good point... [IC] —in this particular space.
Mike / GM Bijan / Remy
Nick / Vynos Bijan / Remy [9:55]
Taylor / ____
Mike / GM
Jenn / Merkis Taylor / ____ Shannon / Beta Taylor / ____
Nick / Vynos Mike / GM Jenn / Merkis Shannon / Beta Jenn / Merkis Bijan / Remy
Jenn / Merkis Mike / GM
[IC] Our technological mastery of the spacetime fabric locally allows us to offer an infinite supply of real estate inventory! You can imagine that with that kind of technology and this business model, the sky's the limit!
[OOC] The sky above you that was once the cosmic scene shifts to Windows-98 blue sky: wispy clouds, beautiful bright blue, beautiful clouds, very bright. It’s now very bright in this room. And also, as they’re describing their mastery, the foldgates that are around them, already in a dense kind of halo, get a little bit more dense, and it just—they crackle and sizzle as they come into existence and disappear.
[OOC] Merkis sighs at the new sky, and is just like [sighs contentedly]. [IC] Look: I understand. It’s a big decision.
[IC] You have any of these spaces on Kakudun?
[IC] Kakudun? You’re interested in Kakudun? Boy, have I got some good news for you. We’ve got a satellite office opening on Kakudun in the next— [OOC] and then another imperceptible batch of static [laughter]—and he says: [IC] you can see it right here! [OOC] And then the figure creates a full body sized foldgate directly in front of them. [IC] Take a look! [OOC] And he throws the gate at you. [foldgate static buzzes]
[OOC] Oh my god.
[OOC] Everyone roll Movement and get a six or higher.
[OOC] Ohh—
[OOC] Okay; I’m gonna burn six Grit.
[OOC] Merkis is gonna burn three.
[OOC] Yeah, I think Remy's gonna burn...three also. Wait no. No no no. Six, ‘cause that’s two, right?
[OOC] Whew... [OOC] Just made it.
Jenn / Merkis Shannon / Beta Mike / GM Shannon / Beta Mike / GM Shannon / Beta Bijan / Remy Mike / GM Jenn / Merkis Nick / Vynos Shannon / Beta Mike / GM Jenn / Merkis Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem Mike / GM
[OOC] Yeah.
[OOC] Well—yep.
[OOC] You rolled a one.
[OOC] I rolled a one, but I burned six, it doesn’t matter?
[OOC] Doesn’t matter.
[OOC] Dammit!
[OOC] I rolled a seven, and I also burned three—or, six—so, super good. [OOC] Okay.
[OOC] So I rolled a three...but burned three. So I got a six.
[OOC] Vynos rolled two.
[OOC] Yoikes. Me and Vynos!
[OOC] Oh no.
[OOC] Don’t like it when you say that. [laughter]
[OOC] Okay. Just so that they have a name, Taylor and I have been referring to his character as the Salesthem. Which is sort of a mouthful. The Salesthem launches the foldgate at the group of you. [foldgate static hums] Zapp is right out in front, and he tries to dodge out of the way, and he...beefs it.
[IC] Have fun on Kakudun, friend!
[OOC] He’s like trying to get—he turns in one direction, starts to run, realizes that if he doesn't—if he doesn't time it just right, he’s gonna get cut in half by it, and so he hits the deck and he tries to see whether or not he’s gonna get underneath it. And he kind of can, but the bottom of the foldgate just scrapes all along his back.
Jenn / Merkis Mike / GM Shannon / Beta Mike / GM Jenn / Merkis Mike / GM
Jenn / Merkis Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem Mike / GM
Jenn / Merkis Mike / GM
[IC] [whimper]
[OOC] And it singes [cast gasps] you can hear it crackling— [OOC] No!
[OOC] It is melting through flesh—
[OOC] No!!
[OOC] It is cutting through all of the pockets and pouches and straps that he has on him. And it just—it smells like burning meat, it’s terrible. And he takes...hold on...
[OOC] Oh my god!
[OOC] He takes ten damage. [cast gasps]
[OOC] Fuck yes.
[OOC] Okay. Who—so Merkis gets out of the way, right? [OOC] Yeah.
[OOC] So Merkis is like, right behind Zapp, and sees him try to figure out what to do. He takes slightly too long to do it—hits the deck, and then just gets burned all to shit. And he's screaming on the ground. He’s not dead, but...he’s not doing good. [fragments of chatter comes through the foldgates] And you, having maybe an extra half a second, you and Deep River both dive off to the side and you’re fine. You miss it. Who else got out of the way? Remy gets out of the way. Remy, same thing, manages to dodge; hits the deck and does it in such a way that he isn’t caught.
As it approaches the group, I think Torres sees that Pop is looking at his machine maybe, like, trying to figure out if this is the right place? Or trying to figure out if there’s something that he can do? And realizes that the foldgate is moving way too quick and he—and Pop’s gonna get got. And so Torres runs from the other—from one side of the group to the other to try to push Pop out of the way, and I think is successful, but has to decide whether or not he’s gonna get caught
Taylor / Salesthem Mike / GM
Taylor / Torres
Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem
Mike / GM
Nick / Vynos Mike / GM
Nick / Vynos
by the edge of the foldgate or try to throw himself fully through it, and then hope that he survives the journey through.
[OOC] Fully through it.
[OOC] Fully through it. Right? Cause that’s the choice—if you can’t get out of the way, you can throw yourself into it, but then you’re throwing yourself into the Escheresque.
[OOC] Torres runs across the room—[IC] Pop! Pop! Dammit—serpentine! Serpentine!—[OOC] [laughter] and knocks Pop out of the way. Pop who was, you know, absorbed into his instruments, trying to see if this was the right place, where’s that pin, right? Not paying attention at all. Torrres knocks Pop out of the way, looks back at the group for a split second and says: [IC] Wait for me! [OOC] And he throws himself through the portal.
[OOC] Yeah, Torres just disappears. You don’t hear anything else, you just—he falls into this foldgate that the Salesthem opened.
[OOC] And the foldgate just continues forward, and as it goes past you all it’s just like scooping up trash, tables, chairs, parts of the cubicle, just lasering this circle of teleportation and destruction, like this weird sort of invisible tunnel through the space behind you.
[OOC] Vynos: you rolled a two. Nick, you rolled a two, so Vynos cannot get out of the way.
[OOC] Right.
[OOC] So this giant, round portal—foldgate—you can see on the other side some number of meters of the Escheresque, and then into it another foldgate opening up onto the beaches, presumably, of Kakudun. It’s rocketing towards you, and you don’t think—you’re not gonna be able to step out of the way in time. So—what do you want to do?
[OOC] Vynos can see that he would need to take probably two big steps, and maybe a good jump, to get out of the way—he realizes that’s not gonna happen. So he reaches in, grabs the foldgate stabilizer, and just shoves it out in front of
Mike / GM Nick / Vynos Shannon / Beta Nick / Vynos
Mike / GM Nick / Vynos Mike / GM
Nick / Vynos Jenn / Merkis Mike / GM Nick / Vynos
Mike / GM Nick / Vynos Mike / GM
him as if it was a spartan shield that would protect him from this foldgate coming in.
[OOC] Yeah. Just—you have to burn 1d12 Grit.
[OOC] Yeah. Eeesh. I’ve been rolling low all night, so this is a good time—
[OOC] Eee—
[OOC] —to do that again, but, if we get a high roll, then that’s normal...yes it is...a ten. [laughter] Yep. I got a ten.
[OOC] Oh no.
[OOC] Classic.
[OOC] You successfully do it. Yeah, and I think you get it just in time: you whip it off from around your shoulder, [foldgate unleashes] and extend it in front of you. You put your arms out right, just as the foldgate is at arms length, and it does exactly what it did when you were downstairs. It sort of ripples, and expands to the edges of the foldgate and holds it stable. How much—cause it cost you a lot the last time you did it, too—how are you doing, Grit-wise?
[OOC] Not good! Not good, Grit-wise.
[OOC] Oh no!
[OOC] Okay.
[OOC] I had a massive amount of Grit, to start, but I’ve spent twenty-two Grit so far on using—
[OOC] Jeez.
[OOC] —a stabilizer.
[OOC] Well, it seems—luckily it seems like it is now stable, so just, like, luck of the draw—you know, we didn’t roll initiative, but anybody who has not gone to try to dodge the foldgate no longer has to, because Vynos has stabilized it. So I think that means Beta is fine—
Shannon/ Beta Mike / GM Jenn / Merkis Mike / GM
Shannon / Beta Mike / GM
Jenn / Merkis Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem
Mike / GM
[OOC] Even if they roll a one? [laughter]
[OOC] Uhhhh...
[OOC] Eeugh...
[OOC] Uh, okay, we’ll get to that—hold on. There might be another price that you have to pay.
[OOC] Okay, fair.
[OOC] I think Dorito is fine, and Remy is—yeah, Remy was already fine. Deep
River is fine—
[OOC] Hair?
[OOC] Hair is fine, Hair’s alright. Hair rolled pretty bad, but—
[OOC] They’re, look, the gnomes are used to this. They’re dodging these gates so often, y'know, only Pop—who wasn’t paying attention—was in real danger.
[OOC] Beta. You are just off far enough that you don’t have to dodge the foldgate. You can see you’re just on the edge of it, and so you have to make a small, like, not-brisk step off to the side to just make sure that you don’t get clipped and you don’t have to fall in. But you watch this carnage just completely unfold in front of you. You see Zapp get burned. You see Torres get pulled in through the portal. You see Deep River and Merkis dodge out of the way. You see Remy hit the deck. You see Vynos almost get completely sucked in. And as you’re watching this, you’re taking in the scene, you’re looking back and forth across the group that’s in front of you, and then you look back at the Shoodtha with the beehive hairdo, and she’s looking directly at you, and she’s...upset that you weren’t interested in Kakudun.
[IC] I thought we had a rapport!
[IC] Ooh! It’s not that I’m not interested...[OOC] and Beta is scrambling. [IC] Uhh...what if I come back later?
Taylor / Salesthem Shannon / Beta
Taylor / Salesthem
Shannon / Beta
Taylor / Salesthem Shannon / Beta Mike / GM
Jenn / Merkis Taylor / Salesthem
[the drums of combat music begins to thump in the background]
[IC] [laughs] I’ve heard that one a million, trillion, billion times before. And will again! Ha! The first thing they tell you in artificial intelligence Salesthem school is: “Don’t take no for an answer!” So let’s just make this the time that I Always Be Closing—[OOC] all the lights turn red, and a spotlight is on you—[laughter] —[IC] Let’s have you sign on the line that is dotted and get you in that unit today! Come on!
[OOC] Beta is overwhelmed, cause—she understands that this Shoodtha is not actually real, but she wants her to like her, so badly, that she...half-signs her name.
[IC] And the rest?
[OOC] Uhh... [laughter]
[OOC] The lights start pulsating red. [OOC] Ahh!
[IC] Alright, you know what? If you’re not seriously interested in purchasing a SpaceTimeShare unit today, then that makes you all loiterers. And the first rule of the mall is NO. LOITERING. [gasps, laughter]
[OOC] Everybody roll initiative. [menacing interstitial music]
Mike / GM
Mike / GM
[OOC] So the gnomes go first. And the way we’re gonna do the gnomes, so that we don’t have just, like, gnomes on gnomes on gnomes just plugging up initiative, is that the first in command is going to tell them what to do. And so Zapp, seeing the walls and the ceiling turn red, and realizing that this is some sort of defense protocol that this thing has tripped, just shouts from the ground—he lifts his face up, and sort of gravelly, he’s like, [IC] Everybody hide!! [laughter] [OOC] You can see all of the gnomes spread out. They all go to different places behind the bits of cubicle. The next to act is Vynos.
Nick / Vynos Mike / GM
Nick / Vynos Mike / GM Taylor / Torres Nick / Vynos Mike / GM
Nick / Vynos Mike / GM Nick / Vynos
[OOC] Where is the Salesthem with regards to the portal that’s still open because of this portal stabilizer?
[OOC] Yeah, so I imagine that you are standing roughly a foot in front of the stabilized portal, and that on the other side of it—that you can’t see them, you can’t see the Salesthem, because the portal is in the way, but they are...y’know, it’s hard to tell, because you can’t see them, but like, fifteen or twenty feet.
[OOC] Okay...I see...and then, who fell into the—did anybody fall into the— [OOC] Torres did, yeah.
[OOC] Torres did.
[OOC] Are—can they come back out?
[OOC] You are looking into the foldgate, and you can see that there is—it’s strange. It’s like in the Escheresque the foldgate is in the sky, looking down at the ground, and at some distance further down from where you’re looking, even though you’re looking forward, there is another foldgate that’s open also in the Escheresque. And through that foldgate you can see a kind of beachy scene, you can see what looks like maybe sand? And maybe like a wooden dock and some small houses? And if you really look, you can see a small figure that could be a gnome?
[OOC] But on Kakudun.
[OOC] But on Kakudun.
[OOC] I see. [laughs] Well I guess Vynos won’t touch the portal, just in case anybody else around here has a way of getting them back, but Vynos takes a look at the situation. Foldgate is a couple feet in front of him, the Salesthem is ten feet behind...and Vynos starts thinking about all that The Weird could offer upon this A.I. creature. He opens up his bag, he rifles through, he throws out a feather, and a kind of a wood piece that’s got a couple of jewels on it, he reaches down and he goes [IC] A-ha!! [OOC] And umm...he pulls out a long stick and he says: [IC] Oh, that’s not it. [laughter] [OOC] He reaches back in and pulls out a double-barrelled shotgun. [laughter] He loads the shotgun with some slugs that he has and points the shotgun [laughter] at the face of the Salesthem. And, uh, shoots.
Taylor / Salesthem Nick / Vynos
Taylor / Salesthem Nick / Vynos Taylor / Salesthem Mike / GM
Nick / Vynos Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem Nick / Vynos
Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem Mike / GM
[OOC] You gotta give us a line! You gotta hve him say something before he shoots this robot in the face with a fucking shotgun!
[OOC] He says...[laughs] he says: [IC] The mall is also for eating! Which we have just done! [Shotgun blast] [laughter]
[OOC] Ah, Shane Black over here everybody! [laughter]
[OOC] Umm...and then he shoots them in the face. [laughter]
[OOC] Okay! Alright!
[OOC] Aah. Incredible. Yeah, roll Combat.
[OOC] Alright.
[OOC] And the Salesthem is going to roll Movement to dodge. [dice clatter] [OOC] Six.
[OOC] Ooh that’s gonna be tough. So Vynos, he’s got a relatively low Combat of four, plus one, so he will burn three Grit to add three, and he rolls...a...five. So that is eight total.
[OOC] And the Salesthem rolled a six? Is that what you said? [OOC] Yes sir. Yes.
[OOC] Okay, so [laughs] you fire a slug round, which is just like a cylinder of metal, directly at the Salesthem, and yeah—something interesting happens.
[OOC] Mhmm!
[OOC] You hear a loud, like, THUNG sound, like metal hitting metal [THUNG] and the Salesthem blinks a little bit.
Taylor / Salesthem
[OOC] Yeah, for a brief moment the...body? The, like, visible body of the Salesthem just sort of vibrates and shimmies. Like if you were to take a [laughs] like if you were to take a, I don’t know, a DVD player and shake it very hard while you were playing a movie. It’s like: something fucked this thing up! And it kind of leans back, and it sits back up. It raises itself back up, and there’s not a mark on it. There’s not a mark on it. But behind it there’s a trail of just like...smoking shards of metal, and chips and wires, and like...stuff. On the ground, just in a line behind it. but you can see no difference. [IC] That hurt! And that’s no way to treat a potential business partner!
[OOC] Nick, tell us: how much damage does the Salesthem take? [OOC] It’s 3d4, so...
[OOC] So roll 3d4.
[OOC] Wow.
[OOC] Only four.
[OOC] So the Salesthemtakes four damage. [OOC] Wow.
[OOC] Okay. Merkis.
[OOC] Merkis is still on the ground next to Deep River and starts rummaging through his pack. [IC] Where is—where is it—where did I put it? Where did I put it where did I put it where did I puuut iit? [OOC] And pulls out the Stupendous Foamator—
[OOC] Hmm!
[OOC] —the little silver blimp, and from below ejects the foam toward the
[OOC] Roll Combat, and the Salesthem will roll Movement to dodge. [OOC] Okay, Merkis is gonna burn three. Uh...
Mike / GM Nick / Vynos Mike / GM Bijan / Remy Nick / Vynos Mike / GM Jenn / Merkis Mike / GM Jenn / Merkis
Mike / GM Jenn / Merkis
Mike / GM Jenn / Merkis
Mike / GM
Jenn / Merkis Taylor / Salesthem Mike / GM
Jenn / Merkis Mike / GM
Jenn / Merkis Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem
Jenn / Merkis
[OOC] That’s a good idea! Trap the Salesthem in a foam block. [OOC] Yeah! Eight, so eleven.
[OOC] I rolled a seven.
[OOC] So: you pull back on the plunger and you push it back down, and the Stupendous Foamator expands, and the lights in between the seams of the flanges of the blimp light up and there’s this bright, you know, the room is mostly red, but around you it is now a disco party.
[OOC] Yeah!
[OOC] And this very excited male voice just starts singing: [futuristic disco music begins] [IC, singing] Who. Loves. FOOOOAM! The customers of the Stupendous Foam-a-tor love. FOOOOAM! they’re big fans of FOOOAM!
[OOC, singing] doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo
[OOC] And [laughter], it's truly awful, it’s like a terrible—it’s just a very, very bad dance hit. The Salesthem—you are now covered in like a kind of creamy white foam.
[OOC] Mhmm.
[OOC] That over the next—so I mean, it expands, it gets bigger and bigger; it takes an hour to harden. [laughter] Over the next few minutes it will start to get stiffer and stiffer—
[OOC] uh huh
[OOC] —but yeah, you’re now covered in a weird kind of foam. And there’s a bunch of foam on the ground too, and it’s growing and growing and growing in the space that you’re in.
[OOC] Okay. And you can see that the foam is like, kind of like coming in and out of the surface of the Salesthem. It's a very strange sort of visual effect, there are like knobs of foam—not on their skin, but like coming through their skin?
[OOC] oah!
Taylor / Salesthem Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem Shannon / Beta Taylor / Salesthem Shannon / Beta Taylor / Salesthem Shannon / Beta Taylor / Salesthem Mike / GM Shannon / Beta Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem Shannon / Beta Jenn / Merkis Shannon / Beta Taylor / Salesthem
[OOC] Weird.
[OOC] What could it mean?
[OOC] What could it mean?? Please tell me it’s the Salesthem’s turn.
[OOC] Beta and the Salesthem act at the same time. So if you want—you can either act at the same time or I would let you do another Movement tiebreaker.
[OOC] Tiebreaker!!
[OOC] I’ll roll it again—
[OOC] I rolled a nine.
[OOC] Oh, well I—I can’t roll higher than a nine. Because I have a d8. [OOC] Tie me!
[OOC] I roll a seven.
[OOC] Oh you’ve got a d8?
[OOC] Okay, Salesthem goes first. Are you guys okay with this rule? [OOC] Yes.
[OOC] A movement tiebreaker? Alright, yeah, Salesthem acts first. [OOC] The Salesthem separates.
[OOC] Okay... [laughter]
[OOC] What the fuck?
[OOC] Okay...
[OOC] The Salesthem, without moving their limbs, the Salesthem just floats [laughs] through Vynos—[Jenn gasps]—just goes through Vynos and ends up on
Shannon / Beta Taylor / Salesthem Mike / GM
Jenn / Merkis Mike / GM
Bijan / Remy Shannon / Beta Taylor / Salesthem Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem
the other side of Vynos, and this all happens in a split second, and what you see is that, left where the Salesthem was, is a metal humanoid machine that is covered in, like, the foam stuff. And as soon as the, what is very clear now is a sort of projection, or hologram of the Salesthem—passes through Vynos, the mechanical metal self follows at an incredibly fast speed. [gasps]
Right through Vynos. This move is called “Touch the Doorknob.”
[OOC] Okay.
[OOC] Mike made a beautiful suite of powers with this character, it’s great.
[OOC] I took all the names from things that my boss in 2008 told me about sales tactics.
A man who I think had to flee New York so that he didn’t go to prison. Sounds like a good salesman!
So does that do damage?
It could.
Oo. Fuck. I’m burning Grit, baby.
So what Taylor is describing is basically the skin, the projected skin of the Salesthem very, like instantaneously, moves from one place to the other. And the metal body follows it at a high rate of speed, and basically just bowls through whatever’s in the way. So it just careens through a bunch of garbage, it breaks through some of the sides of the cubicles and if Vynos is standing in the way, which it sounds like Taylor has positioned it such that that is exactly the case, then Vynos is gonna get slammed into if he doesn’t get out of the way.
[OOC] Unless Vynos passes a Move check greater than eight.
Nick / Vynos
Taylor / Salesthem Nick / Vynos Taylor / Salesthem
Nick / Vynos Taylor / Salesthem Nick / Vynos Mike / GM
Shannon / Beta
Mike / GM
Shannon / Beta Mike / GM Shannon / Beta Mike / GM
[OOC] Oo! well....that, that seems hard. But...[laughter] I will try. And I got a three!
[OOC] So you gotta roll a d6 and take that damage baby! [OOC] Oy.
[OOC] As the metal carapace of the Salesthem slams [metallic, staticky crunch] into Vynos.
[OOC] Three.
[OOC] Three damg! [OOC] Three damage. [OOC] [chuckles] dmg.
Beta you have just seen the Salesthem send a projection of its outward appearance across the room and then a metal body followed it and kind of like, shoulder-checked Vynos. And they are now on the other side of the foldgate that Vynos has stabilized.
[OOC] Okay, Beta says...[IC] Wow. She...does not take no for an answer! [OOC] And she’s a little impressed with that, and she dodges to kind of get out of the way—kind of goes where the vat gnomes are.
[OOC] They’re kind of like, all around. If you want to go towards where Zapp is, that’s, like, closer to where the Salesthem just was.
[OOC] Where—is Zapp the one that’s hurt? Who’s the most hurt? [OOC] Yeah, Zapp is the one that’s hurt.
[OOC] I’m gonna go over where Zapp is.
[OOC] Yeah, he’s there, he’s face-down in a bunch of rubble, like, sort of groaning and kind of trying to flip over, but you can tell he’s in a lot of pain.
Shannon / Beta Mike / GM
Shannon / Beta Mike / GM Shannon / Beta
Mike / GM
[OOC] Is that the full—that would be a full turn?
[OOC] No, you can move and do something. it’s close enough that you would
still have an action.
[OOC] Okay, I’m going to do Heal on Zapp. [OOC] Alright! Do it up.
[OOC] Okay...how do I do this, burn two Grit to treat a person, and that person regains two Health and any simple condition stops. So if Zapp is bleeding or something like that.
[OOC] Yeah, so you make it to Zapp and you—you, I guess, in D&D you’d call this the Laying of Hands, is that right? What does this look like?
[meditative, tonal music begins softly playing]
Shannon / Beta
Mike / GM Shannon / Beta Mike / GM Shannon / Beta Mike / GM
[combat music restarts]
Bijan / Remy
[OOC] Beta takes out of her bag some bandages to kind of put on Zapp. The bandages are not gonna do anything, because her powers are more energy-based, so it’s kind of just for show. [laughter] And while she does that you can see kind of, miraculously, the big scrape across Zapp’s back is starting to heal as she puts bandages kind of on his hand, like places that were not damaged. [laughter]
[OOC] She’s like, giving him a haircut, but his burns are going away. [OOC] Yeah, yeah!
[OOC] How much does that heal him for?
[OOC] Two heal, plus the condition stops. And I just burn two Grit.
[OOC] Great, okay cool. He is definitely appreciative and is—he doesn’t say much, he’s still like...very out of it, and trying to sort of keep consciousness. Remy, it’s your go.
[OOC] Remy’s gonna run up to this robot and burn eight Grit, and try and use Repro. So yeah, Repro is: you send your nanites into an electrical device, this can
Mike / GM Bijan / Remy
Mike / GM
Bijan / Remy Mike / GM
Bijan / Remy
Mike / GM
Bijan / Remy Mike / GM Shannon / Beta Mike / GM
Remy / Bijan Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem
be a standard Tefnian comm, a dumb ancient radio, or a sapient brain, to induce any specific effect possible. The host rolls Will against your Reaction or your Charisma, whichever’s better, to detect the manipulation, and if the manipulation would destroy the host, it gets an additional Will check against difficulty seven to remain fragmented but alive.
[OOC] Mm.
[OOC] So Remy runs—I guess this looks like: Remy just runs up to this robot,
smacks it under the chin, or what he sees as the chin, with his palm?
[OOC] Uh, yeah. When you do that, when you sort of give it a, what is this? Like an open palm uppercut, almost?
[OOC] Yeah.
[OOC] You feel, when you do it, you feel cold, like, riveted metal. Your hand kind of passes through the Weitan, the bejeweled Weitan face that you see, and you can feel just this...tough, but smooth, exterior, and these plates of petal shaped around some form. And it turns to look at you.
[OOC] Right, so now it has to beat a check against...uh...Remy’s Charm, which is ten.
[OOC] Is that including your mustache bonus? [OOC] Nope! So that’s eleven.
[OOC] There you go.
[OOC] Mus-tache bo-nus!
[OOC] And what does it roll against? Like, what is the— [OOC] It rolls Will.
[OOC] Will. And the Salesthem can burn Grit—if it so chooses. [OOC] Ooh shit! One!
Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem Jenn / Merkis Mike / GM
Bijan / Remy Taylor / Salesthem Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem Remy / Bijan Taylor / Salesthem
Mike / GM Remy / Bijan Mike / GM Remy / Bijan
Mike / GM
Remy / Bijan
[OOC] No way.
[OOC] The Salesthem rolled a one on a d12.
[OOC] Taylor!!
[OOC] I was rolling so well.
[OOC] The curse of Taylor!
[OOC] The tradition continues.
[OOC] Oh, thank god—
[OOC] Well, Mike, let’s resolve this. And then we’ll see—
[OOC] Alright, let’s resolve this.
[OOC] And then we’ll see—
[OOC] Yeah, okay, so—
[OOC] —who’s moaning, and let’s just, let’s just—I’m just gonna say: don’t print up programs for the funeral yet folks!
[OOC] Okay, alright
[OOC] Um, yeah—
[OOC] Alright Bijan, tell us what happens.
[OOC] So Remy just wants this thing to shut down. Just like full shut down, like, he’s trying to destroy the circ—the circuitry that can turn this thing on.
[OOC] And this is—describe to us: this is—you’re using your nanites, so there’s like—
[OOC] Yes.
Mike / GM Remy / Bijan
Mike / GM Remy / Bijan Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem
Bijan / Remy Taylor / Salesthem Bijan / Remy
Taylor / Salesthem Bijan / Remy Taylor / Salesthem
[OOC] —nanotechnology emanating from your body somehow.
[OOC] Yeah, so I think basically in Remy’s palm there’s like a, I guess if you were the chin you would see the, a pool of grey sort of fluid forming on his palm, and when he struck the thing in the face, or what he perceived to be it’s face, all of that found its way into the crevasses under the riveted metal and is seeking whatever, obviously, Remy wants, which is to turn this thing off. I don’t know that Remy necessarily knows what’s happening with the nanites, all he knows is that he wants them to do something and they figure out what to do—
[OOC] Sure.
[OOC] —based on what he wants.
[OOC] Yeah. So I’m gonna say that the one, normally, if you are asking something to destroy itself, it gets an additional roll, but since it rolled a one, it’s not gonna make an additional roll. So Taylor: I don’t know what you have in mind, but basically the—some aspect of the Salesthem is destroyed, or is turned off.
[OOC] I think that the part of the Salesthem that you touched is ruined. And destroyed.
[OOC] I mean— [OOC] Right?
[OOC] I mean, the—I think the power itself is like, more like: the electronic thing does whatever you want it to do, which is shut down
[OOC] And you’re telling it to shut down?
[OOC] Yeah.
[OOC] It shuts down. The outside, the visual part of the thing, remains standing straight up, and looking at you, and like...clipping through it is this metal humanoid that leans over and flops, so now there’s this very nice looking Salesthem looking at you with a humanoid metal robot sort of sticking out horizontally from it’s chest.
Mike / GM
Shannon / Beta Mike / GM Shannon / Beta Mike / GM Taylor / Oat Shannon / Beta Taylor / Oat
Shannon / Beta Mike / GM Shannon / Beta
Mike / GM Taylor / Oat Shannon / Beta Mike / GM
[OOC] And the foldgates do not disappear. they do not stop being—coming into existence around the body of this thing, and around the sales floor that you are on. The next person to act are the gnomes.
[OOC] I hate to say it, but— [OOC] Say it.
[OOC] Do we know where Oat is? [OOC] Oh!
[OOC] Uh...
[OOC] Have we lost Oat?
[OOC] Oat has been, no, Oat is there. Oat—since the event in the elevator where he saw the snakeman—he has been very, very quiet, and hanging in the back, muttering to himself.
[OOC] Okay.
[OOC] He’s not involved himself in this battle. And probably should not!
[OOC] Yeah. I just wanted to make sure we had some information of where Oat was.
[OOC] Good call.
[OOC] He hid; when the gnomes scattered, he hid. [OOC] Okay.
[OOC] Zapp turns around and looks at Beta, and says: [IC] thank you; [OOC] and he sees that the sort of carapace of the—the metal body of this thing, is like, slumped over and he shouts to hair, he says: [IC] Hair! Pop, if you can! Dismantle it! Take it apart!
Taylor / Hair
Jenn / Merkis Taylor / Salesthem
[IC] Somebody say demolition?? [OOC] Ka-thunj! You hear a very particular sound of a grenade launcher being fired. And—a small sort of, baby-food jar sized canister smacks into the metal carapace and explodes.
[OOC] Which is...great, because the foam is flammable also.
[OOC] [gasps] Ooooh shit!!! The foam lights up. There’s a pow—it’s not a huge explosion, but it’s big, and it knocks the carapace, the metal body, fully to the ground. Parts of it have been blown open, and the foam is now all over it, just burning at a very accelerated rate. And it begins to fill the area with smoke. And as the area fills with smoke, you can see beams of light travelling through the smoke. There is a cone of light whose point is the projection of the Salesthem that is talking to you. But these beams of light are being emanated from what is clearly some kind of microprojectors, hundreds or thousands and thousands of them, built into the ceiling of the room.
[OOC] And does this explosion, like, Remy has time to get out of the way? [OOC] I don’t know! probably not!
[OOC] Yeah, I mean, I guess I’d have to—he’d have to roll a Movement check I think, probably.
[OOC] Yeah, why don’t you roll a Movement check— [OOC] Do it!
[OOC] —and just makes sure that—
[OOC] Yeah
[OOC] —you know. pass like—pass four. I’m gonna make it pretty easy. Cause I don’t want you to get hurt this way.
[OOC] I mean—
[OOC] Kind of for no reason other than I don’t want you to get hurt. [OOC] Seven.
Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem Bijan / Remy
Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem Mike / GM
Bijan / Remy Mike / GM
Bijan / Remy Mike / GM Bijan / Remy
Mike / GM
Bijan / Remy Mike / GM
Bijan / Remy Taylor / Salesthem Mike / GM
Bijan / Remy Mike / GM
Bijan / Remy Shannon / Beta Taylor / Salesthem Mike / GM
Nick / Vynos
Taylor / Salesthem
[OOC] Okay yeah, you’re fine.
[OOC] I mean Remy also, like, he’s jumped on grenades before—
[OOC] That’s true.
[OOC] —I don’t think he’s particularly worried.
[OOC] Loves a grenade.
[OOC] Yeah, we don’t want you to foam yourself. That didn’t work out well last time.
[OOC] Yeah.
[OOC] Yeah, you, like it’s warm, it’s hot, you maybe singe an eyebrow; the end
of your mustache curls up a little bit, but otherwise it’s good. [OOC] Not the ‘stache, bro!
[OOC] No!!
[OOC] Half of it gone! Half of the mustache is gone!
[OOC] You get a plus half to Charisma. To Charm. Okay, Vynos, it’s your go. The metal body of the Salesthem is in tatters in a pile on the ground. But the Harajoon projection that you have seen remains stalwart, and you can now see, as Taylor described, that the projection seems to be emanating from the screen that is the ceiling.
[OOC] Vynos knows now that this is not a projection coming from the bot itself, and so it’s—and obviously its controls aren’t coming from the bot itself. Brr brr brr brr...I guess we gotta find out where the—
[OOC] You still got that shotgun, right?
Nick / Vynos
Taylor / Salesthem Nick / Vynos Mike / GM
Nick / Vynos Mike / GM
Nick / Vynos Mike / GM Nick / Vynos
Taylor / Salesthem
Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem
[OOC] Yeah, I do...it seems that the point of central control for the building? Isn’t anywhere in the vicinity. So I guess I’m not a hundred percent sure how we’re in initiative. What are we fighting? The hologram?
[OOC] You’ll see when I get my next turn, my friend.
[OOC] Okay...
[OOC] Yeah, Taylor hasn’t had a turn since the carapace has been destroyed.
[OOC] That’s true. Vynos is actually just pissed that this thing ran into him—
[OOC] I would be too.
[OOC] —and shoulder checked him.
[OOC] Yeah.
[OOC] So, he looks—he’s kind of just getting up, realizes—getting his wits about him, and sees where the projection is coming from, points up, and shoots.
[OOC] The slug, like, blows a hole in what is clearly now a very fragile ceiling, probably fragile because it’s made up of millions of pico-projectors, of, you know, futuristic provenance. When you hit the spot right above the—I don’t think he has to roll to hit a immobile wall of a room.
[OOC] No, no, and the building can’t roll Movement.
[OOC] Yeah! the building can’t roll Movement. so, you knock a big chunk of the projectors that are projecting the Salesthem, you knock—just pulverize. and when you do so, you see two things, you see that the projection of the Salesthem, part of it flickers and becomes a little more, a little faded. Then, you see some projectors turn on, just a foot away from the hole, and the hologram gets a little bit brighter. But you can also see through the hole, that there’s—there's these weird wires or pipes up in there, up in the ceiling, that look organic? like intestines or something like that. But they’re bent at, like, right angles. And it seems to be that these cables are what’s connecting to the projectors in the ceiling.
[OOC] Oh...
Jenn / Merkis
Nick / Vynos Taylor / Salesthem Nick / Vynos
Jenn / Merkis Taylor / Salesthem Nick / Vynos Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem Nick / Vynos Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem Mike / GM
Jenn / Merkis Bijan / Remy Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem Jenn / Merkis
[OOC] But there’s not fluid coming from them, though, right? [OOC] Yeah, there’s a little bit of fluid coming from them! [OOC] What does the fluid look like?
[OOC] Eww!
[OOC] Eh, translucent, whitish—
[OOC] Okay, alright...
[OOC] You know, your standard android fluid.
[OOC] Standard fluid!
[OOC] Android fluid, alright cool...
[IC] Eh, so there’s your problem—
[OOC] Yepp, your fluids—[laughter]
[IC] It’s—it’s leaking milk. That’s, ah, you can’t have an android leaking milk! [OOC] Eww!
[OOC] Is Chester in this game, too?
[OOC] Yes. Chester’s, we’re, Chester’s—
[OOC] Give me a few weeks.
[OOC] —in every character.
[OOC] Yeah.
[OOC] Merkis, like, hops up, is standing now and grabs the boot from this tail and kisses it [laughs] and does a little cartwheel thing and launches the boot upward into that open area in the ceiling. So it’s just basically throwing a boot up there, hopefully it hits. I got a nine.
Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem
Jenn / Merkis Mike / GM
Jenn / Merkis Shannon / Beta Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem Shannon / Beta Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem
Shannon / Beta
[OOC] I mean yeah, you can do two damage, I guess?
[OOC] Yeah, I think you knock some of those biological, like weird
mechano-biological cables loose and some more of the pico projectors go out. [OOC] Gonna roll a d4 for the damage. And it’s a four.
[OOC] Yeah, you hear the boot clatter on the other side of this weird projector drop ceiling where now that you’ve destroyed a part of it you can see that there’s this strange, techno-biological construct of some kind, like maze of something or other, and yeah, you hear it clatter, you hear it knock a bunch of stuff, and some of the little projectors that were making up a part of the Salesthem and flashing the red in the room flicker and go out, and then the Salesthem reforms as other little projectors turn on.
[IC] Deep River did you see that? Did you see that?
[IC] Really good stuff!
[OOC] Do we want to do another tiebreaker between Beta and the Salesthem? [OOC] Yep.
[OOC] Okay; each of you roll Movement.
[OOC] Five.
[OOC] Four.
[OOC] Salesthem goes first.
[OOC] Salesthem looks at Merkis. and sort of, like, vanishes? Just becomes faint, and because the room has all this smoke and like particulate matter in it, you can tra—it’s just like the way you can see a laser pointer in the smoke, you can see the beams of these projectors coming from the ceiling, you can see that they stop projecting the Salesthem, adnt hey point directly at Merkis. And they focus into a white hot laser beam. [Jenn gasps]
[OOC] Oh no! Merkis!
Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem Jenn / Merkis Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem Jenn / Merkis Mike / GM Shannon / Beta Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem Shannon / Beta Taylor / Salesthem Bijan / Remy Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem Shannon / Beta Taylor / Salesthem Shannon / Beta
[OOC] Cooked gecko!
[OOC] How much grit am I allowed to burn at once? [OOC] Oh my god!
[OOC] As much as you want.
[OOC] Oh really?
[OOC] Oh no.
[OOC] I think so. Wythe has never stopped me from burning [OOC] But it's sets of three, so three, six, nine—
[OOC] Oh you mean for boosting a roll?
[OOC] Yeah.
[OOC] Oh, nine.
[OOC] Okay. I’m gonna burn nine. [gasps]
[OOC] Damn!
[OOC] Eighteen.
[OOC] Oof.
[OOC] Is that what Merkis has to roll to dodge?
[OOC] MHMM!! [laughter and groaning from the cast] [IC] Merkis!!
[OOC] The Salesthem is mad.
[OOC] That’s a toasty gecko!
Jenn / Merkis Mike / GM
Bijan / Remy
Jenn / Merkis Taylor / Salesthem Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem Mike / GM [44:51]
Taylor / Salesthem
Jenn / Merkis Taylor / Salesthem
Jenn / Merkis Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem
Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem
[OOC] Okay. So that’s a...ten, right? That’s Movement, right? [OOC] y\You have to beat eighteen Movement...
[OOC] Doesn’t seem—
[OOC] Oh shit, well—
[OOC] Actually no, that’s not true. It’s, ah—
[OOC] It’s in square meters, is that what it is?
[OOC] Okay—oh, yeah, yeah, let me just read this out loud. [OOC] Are you doing Sweat ‘Em?
[OOC] Yeah. I’m doing Sweat ‘Em. For Reaction plus Grit, the Salesthem is able to focus a set of projectors on the ceiling of the DLU to create an area of intense heat. The area is a meter square and any additional x Grit makes the area x square meters larger. Ooh! Okay. so that would be—nine square, so ten square meters.
[OOC] That’s everybody!
[OOC] To escape, the target—so that’s gonna be Merkis and some other people, I
[OOC] Yeah.
[OOC] Yeah, I think so.
[OOC] —to escape, target must make a six plus nine—so a fifteen Move check or take d10 damage [Jenn gasps] every time they start the round in the area.
[OOC] d10, not immediately— [OOC] Not immediately.
Mike / GM Jenn / Merkis
Mike / GM Shannon / Beta Taylor / Salesthem Mike / GM
Taylor / Deep Mike / GM Jenn / Merkis Taylor / Deep Mike / GM Taylor / Deep
[OOC] Only when you start the round, if you start your round...
[OOC] Okay, Merkis is definitely gonna burn nine for this. And, roll a d10 to
move...oh shoot!! That's a thirteen total.
[OOC] You didn’t make it.
[OOC] Daaaaaamn...
[OOC] [laughs] yes! It's getting hot in here.
[OOC] If Merkis is standing where I imagine Merkis to be standing, I think there’s Deep River, has to dodge, and I think that’s it?
[OOC] Yeah.
[OOC] I don’t imagine Merkis being near anyone else.
[OOC] No. they were together the whole time
[OOC] What are we using for—
[OOC] d8s, straight d8s. The gnomes are just all d8s.
[OOC] Deep River does not try to jump out of the burning area of the laser. Deep River jumps on top of Merkis to shield—
[OOC] Ohh... [OOC] —Merkis. [OOC] Ohh!
[IC] Deep River!
[OOC] I'll roll, and you tell me the outcome of that attempt. Four. [Jenn screams faintly]
Bijan / Remy Taylor / Deep Shannon / Beta Jenn / Merkis Taylor / Deep River
Mike / GM
Shannon / Beta Mike / GM
Taylor / Deep River Jenn / Merkis
Mike / GM
Shannon / Beta
Mike / GM Shannon / Beta
Mike / GM Shannon / Beta
[OOC] [laughs] I mean, I was gonna say, I think four is the threshold, that Deep River is, Merkis is small, Deep River is roughly the same size, like, we have established in the elevator that gnomes climb people sometimes.
[OOC] Yeah
[OOC] So like I think Deep River is able to, maybe even just tackle Merkis, and
be, y’know, just starfish, and try to protect Merkis.
[OOC] Deep River has wrapped herself around Merkis’ head. [OOC] Ooh...
[OOC] Merkis, and everybody else, you can see that there is a bright white large square that’s forming with Merkis and Deep River in the middle of it, and Merkis slightly less so for you, more so for Deep River, it’s getting warm. [Shannon groans]
The next person to act is Beta.
[OOC] Okay. I want to use Augur. and that’s the power where I can ask any answerable short question. At the end of the round, after everyone else in initiative has acted, the nameless thing whom you contacted will reply with the answer.
[OOC] So at the end of this round, before we loop back.
[OOC] Yes. The answer may be vague, depending on the question, but it will not
be a malicious lie or incomplete.
[OOC] Got it. Go ahead.
[OOC] So Beta is kind of hidden, cause she didn’t move since she helped Zapp, which was kind of hidden behind some stuff. So she’s there, she’s seeing what’s going on, she just saw Deep River jump on top of Merkis and she’s like, okay. I’m gonna need, I gotta talk to someone. She kind of pulls her sword out of the sword holder that she had her sword in, which didn’t really fit in very well, because it’s pretty broken and crooked, and she looks at it and she’s like: [IC] okay. Tell me. Tell me, babe. [laughs] Where is the heart of this creature? [OOC] Cause she wants to know where they need to attack in order to [clicks teeth] end this thing.
Mike / GM
Shannon / Beta
Mike / GM Shannon / Beta Mike / GM Shannon / Beta Mike / GM Bijan / Remy Mike / GM Bijan / Remy
Mike / GM Bijan / Remy Mike / GM Bijan / Remy Mike / GM Bijan / Remy Mike / GM Jenn / Merkis
[OOC] You do not get an immediate answer, but you know that sometimes, especially in the heat of battle, the infinite beings to which you speak take a moment to respond.
[OOC] Yes. Okay. I burn ten minus d-Reaction Gr—not reaction, d-Reason, which is...eleven. no. it’s twelve plus one—oh, yes! But it’s a meta move, too. So.
[OOC] Did you roll really well? [OOC] Yeah.
[OOC] Nice.
[OOC] I rolled an eleven. [OOC] Remy: your go.
[OOC] So Mike. I do have a question for you. [OOC] Sure.
[OOC] In game terms. So: I have my endothermic grenade launcher, grenade maker thing...
[OOC] Yeah...
[OOC] Does that take Grit to use?
[OOC] Let me look...pass a seven Reason test. [OOC] Oh! So there’s no—
[OOC] No cost—
[OOC] There’s not cost...
[OOC] No cost associated. It’s just difficult to use. [OOC] Yeah. Seven Reason.
Bijan / Remy
Mike / GM
Bijan / Remy Mike / GM
Bijan / Remy Taylor / Salesthem Mike / GM
Bijan / Remy Mike / GM Bijan / Remy Mike / GM
Bijan / Remy
Mike / GM Bijan / Remy
[OOC] That’s good information for the future. So he saw what happened with Vynos just shooting the ceiling with a shotgun and decides that he’s gonna do—the same thing. Remy’s going to burn three grit and use Charge, which is, y’know, the Gambit thing. Nanites transfer a rush of bioelectric energy into any object, explodes if it hits...so let me roll my Combat.
[OOC] Ah. Beautiful! Beautiful. This is control. You’ve described control. Yeah, so, Remy is going to pick up the coffee mug and hold it in his hands, not holding the handle, holding just the mug itself, and shoot it from his palms like he’s shooting some sort of energy beam. I have to roll my Combat...plus three, cause I’m [indistinguishable]
[OOC] And where are you aiming for? Are you just— [OOC] I’m aiming—
What are you gonna throw?
There’s a bunch of detritus laying around, right? True.
Like, it doesn’t matter what it is.
There’s tons of stuff.
Yeah, there’s just a bunch of crap lying around.
I think—what’s the coolest object close to Remy? There’s—
Like, what’s the coolest looking paperweight nearby?
I was gonna, say, there’s a—somewhow, perfectly unbroken, just, perfectly clean—porcelain white coffee mug at your feet. [laughter]
Mike / GM
Bijan / Remy Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem Bijan / Remy
Taylor / Salesthem
Bijan / Remy Taylor / Salesthem
Bijan / Remy
Mike / GM
Bijan / Remy Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem Mike / GM
Bijan / Remy
[OOC] —for that same hole in the ceiling? [OOC] I’m aiming directly into the hole. [OOC] Alright.
[OOC] Into the hole? Okay.
[OOC] I mean, he sees, he’s seen the whitish fluid drip out. He's aiming specifically for, like, at wherever it—cause he can’t see, really, into the hole. He can just see the stuff coming out of it, right?
[OOC] Well, no—you can see into the hole! It’s not, like, a deep ceiling, it’s like—kind of like a drop ceiling, the lights are installed right—
[OOC] Oh I see.
[OOC] —above the tiles, like right above the part that was blown open you can see there’s just like whatever was connected to these projectors has been severed and is kind of dripping.
[OOC] Yeah, he’s just gonna shoot it into the hole and hope it explodes in the right place. [laughs] He rolled a thirteen, which is max! That is the highest he can roll. So it’s...okay, thirteen, plus three, so I, my to-hit is sixteen. Do I hit? like... [laughs]
[OOC] Yes.
[OOC] Okay.
[OOC] Taylor?
[OOC] Oh, I mean, yeah, so how big is the blast radius on this thing? [OOC] Yeah the building—again the building can’t really dodge, so...
[OOC] Yeah, so the object explodes and deals damage equal to d6 plus x plus your level. So that’s one d6 plus three plus two.
Taylor / Salesthem
Bijan / Remy
Nick / Vynos Mike / GM Bijan / Remy
Mike / GM Bijan / Remy Mike / GM
[trancelike music begins]
Shannon / Beta Mike / Sword Augur Shannon / Beta Mike / Sword Augur Shannon / Beta Mike / Sword Augur
[OOC] I think that’s a hell of a lot bigger than a shotgun slug. So [electrical revving] the hole, [explosion] like you just blow a much larger hole around it, and sure enough, you disrupt the projectors lasering Merkis and Deep River, but y’know, all that means is that new projectors come to life outside of that, around the edge of that hole. The whole ceiling is covered in these things. You do see more of those wires that were connected to projectors are hanging out.
[IC] Guys, I think we gotta get the fuck outta here. This—I don’t think we can kill the entire building.
[OOC] Vynos says, [IC] I agree with that! [OOC] Is that your turn?
[OOC] I think he’s gonna run over to Beta, also just cause you have like one action and one—
[OOC] Yeah, you can move, you can get there.
[OOC] —movement? Okay. So down by Zapp.
[OOC] So at the end of Remy’s turn, Beta, your sword jiggles a little bit and pops open from the scabbard, sort of on its own. And you hear a tiny voice come from it that’s, like, hard to hear. You can’t—it’s very quiet, very difficult to understand. Do you put the sword up to your ear??
[OOC] Yes. [laughter]
[IC] [whispering conspiratorially] Hey! Psst! Hey! Beta! Hey Beta! Hey! [IC] Yeah!
[IC] Beta!
[IC] Yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah, I know. Yes.
[IC] What’s this guy’s deal?
Shannon / Beta Mike / Sword Augur Shannon / Beta
Mike / Sword Augur Shannon / Beta
Mike / Sword Augur Shannon / Beta
Mike / Sword Augur
Shannon / Beta Mike / Sword Augur Shannon / Beta Mike / Sword Augur Shannon / Beta Mike / Sword Augur
Shannon / Beta Jenn / Merkis
Mike / GM
[IC] What? No. You’re supposed to tell me this guy’s deal!
[IC] yeah but like, what’s his...like what did you—how did you get yourself—
[IC] [sighs exasperatedly] I mean I really can’t get into this right now. But basically, I was—
[IC] You’re always going after people—
[IC] —I was offered some timeshares, and I just, you know me, I just always put
my foot down—
[IC] Why don’t you take—you’re always going for people out of your league—
[IC] I knooowww, I knooww, but you—if you could have seen her when she was in her true form, you would’ve fallen for—
[IC] I’m saying, hey, listen, I’m saying, I’m saying, I’m saying: cause you aim high...
[IC] I aim high...?
[IC] You gotta aim higher.
[IC] Aim high—oh I see what you’re doing. Aim higher...
[IC] Yeah!
[IC] Like, to the left? Or the right?
[IC] I mean just, she seems great but like, you know, she’s got baggage. So you’ve got to—she’s great; you could do better. You could aim higher.
[IC] aim...higher...[laughter]
[OOC] Meanwhile Merkis is like—corner of his eye, can see Beta talking to her
sword. [IC] What’re you doing? [OOC] Picture, like—
Taylor / Salesthem Jenn / Merkis
Mike / Sword Augur Shannon / Beta Mike / Sword Augur Shannon / Beta Mike / Sword Augur
Shannon / Beta
Mike / Sword Augur Shannon / Beta
Mike / Sword Augur Shannon / Beta
Mike / Sword Augur Shannon / Beta
[combat music restarts] Mike / GM
Shannon / Beta
[OOC] Merkis can’t see shit! [laughter]
[OOC] Well, his eyes are very wide-set!
[IC] What, uh, is that not helpful?
[IC] Yeah, but you know there’s a lot of height here. It’s a wide, wide-height... [IC] You just gotta follow your heart.
[IC] Follow my heart? Okay...
[IC] Maybe you could ask someone that’s had, you know, more experience.
Someone who’s been through this before.
[IC] Oh, okay. Maybe I could be like, okay. I get it.
[IC] Just get some advice from somebody.
[IC] Okay. Yeah yeah...
[IC] Anyways, I gotta go, I gotta thing.
[IC] Yeah, you always have a thing.
[IC] Yeah. Alright. Uh...
[IC] Ugh. You make me so tired when I talk to you, I just get a little bit sleepy...
[OOC] Back around, and it’s now the gnomes’ turn. Zapp is standing up, and he’s trying—he’s taking in the full scene finally, and he looks, and he shouts: [IC] Pop! you gotta remember where that panel is! Where was the panel!?
[IC] Yeah. It’s high, it’s high—
Taylor / Pop
Mike / GM
Nick / Vynos Mike / GM Bijan / Remy Mike / GM
Nick / Vynos Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem Jenn / Merkis Taylor / Salesthem Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem Mike / GM
[IC] It’s, uh, was up high, cause I had to stack a chair and a desk, it’s up in the ceiling somewhere I believe! ah! it’s in the middle! I was in the middle of the room, up in the ceiling, I believe!
[OOC] If that is the case, this room’s very, very big—you probably have fifty yards to run to get to what might be the middle.
[OOC] Vynos starts running toward the middle of the room! [OOC] Hell yeah! Run to the middle of the room. [laughter] [OOC] Says nothing, just begins booking it.
[OOC] I mean, if you want to make that be your whole turn, and you want to just turn your action into a sprint, basically, I think you could probably get within sight of the middle, and sure enough you actually do see a neatly stacked pile of furniture.
[OOC] Oh!
[OOC] When you run further toward the middle into what, up until this point, has been either dark red or just dark horizon deep into this huge huge room you do see like a cube that’s been cleared and there’s a desk and on top of the desk is a filing cabinet and on top of the filing cabinet is another filing cabinet turned the other way, and you’re not there yet but you can definitely make it out. Merkis, it's your go. Deep River [laughs] roll a d10. Should I roll it?
[OOC] Yeah, I’ll roll it. [OOC] Deep River! Nooo! [OOC] Eight.
[OOC] Eight?!?
[OOC] Eight.
[OOC] Deep River takes eight damage, And is starting to get singed in the white hot heat of—
Jenn / Merkis Mike / GM
Jenn / Merkis Shannon / Beta Jenn / Merkis Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem Jenn / Merkis Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem
Mike / GM Jenn / Merkis
Mike / GM Shannon / Beta Jenn / Merkis Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem Shannon / Beta Taylor / Salesthem
[OOC] Nooo!
[OOC] This bright white projection from the ceiling.
[OOC] Okay, Merkis is going to roll Movement, but burn six. Oh, fourteen!
[OOC] No, that’s so close!
[OOC] I know.
[OOC] Do we think this is also damage, or no?
[OOC] Yes!! Damage!
[OOC] Oh no—
[OOC] I mean—
[OOC] I think because she’s blind—because Merkis is protected it’s not going to be a d10. d6 is reasonable?
[OOC] Yeah, I was gonna say—now take d6 damage.
[OOC] Four. Meh...so Merkis is just trying to move out of the way, but the weight of Deep River is unexpected and so doesn't quite get out of the way of the laser.
[OOC] It’s hot. And your skin is starting to get dry.
[OOC] Ooh...
[OOC] Yeah. [IC] starting to exfoliate!
[OOC] Okay, roll a Movement tiebreaker between Beta and the Salesthem. [OOC] Seven.
[OOC] Two!
[OOC] Can the Salesthem maintain the beam and also do something else?
Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem
Mike / GM Shannon / Beta Mike / GM
Shannon / Beta
Mike / GM Shannon / Beta Mike / GM
Taylor / Pop
Mike / GM Nick / Vynos
[OOC] It cannot Sweat Em and—it cannot sweat em twice, it can only sweat em once in a time, and it cannot seat em and close.
[OOC] The beam continues to cook Deep River and Merkis. In fact, maybe it intensifies. And that's it.
[OOC] Is that your turn? [a pause] Alright.
[OOC] Okay.
[OOC] Beta. You have just received some advice from your sword, and you have heard Pop describe the location that he remembers was like, maybe in the middle?, and that he stacked some furniture, and then you have seen Vynos book it away from where you currently are.
[OOC] Beta is going to—okay this is what she’s going to do: she is going to connect Vynos’ mind with Pop in the hope that Pop can remember how he turned on and off this controller and that Vynos can do it then, listening to him, so she just yells [IC] CONNECTION INCOMING! [laughter] [OOC] And then, connects them. By burning two Grit and connecting the two minds together telepathically for, are we level one? We’re level two?
[OOC] You’re level two.
[OOC] So it'll be for four minutes.
[OOC] So, Vynos, out of nowhere, as you’re jogging toward this, through this dark room towards this monolith of furniture, you just hear in your brain—whatever it is Pop was thinking at the moment!
[IC] [echoing] I don’t remember if I made that tall tower of furniture very well or not, I think I was in a hurry, I hope that old man doesn’t hurt himself.
[OOC] Pop, you hear whatever Vynos is thinking about at this moment.
[OOC] And Vynos is thinking: [IC] well, that’s a strange accent, I’ve taken upon myself to speak in my own brai—what the?? oh?? [laugher]
Mike / GM
Shannon / Beta Nick / Vynos Taylor / Pop
Nick / Vynos Mike / GM Shannon / Beta Mike / GM Bijan / Remy
Mike / GM Bijan / Remy Mike / GM
Bijan / Remy Mike / GM
Bijan / Remy
[OOC] So yeah, you guys can talk to one another. And I guess you can also hear Beta saying connecting and hello.
[OOC] Yeah.
[IC] Oh, right! Thank you Beta; hello Pop. I’ll try to be careful on the furniture—
[IC] Yeah, you oughta be careful, you know, there’s funny stuff going around. You could still fall down and hurt your head!
[IC] Too true...
[OOC] Beta, is that your turn?
[OOC] That is my turn.
[OOC] Remy, it’s all you.
[OOC] Sick. Remy is gonna run halfway across the room and then try and use this endothermic grenade maker and just chuck it at the pile of stuff.
[OOC] Sweet. Yeah—
[OOC] Because I don’t think Vynos is quite there yet, right?
[OOC] No, he’s not quite there yet. You would feel confident, if you’re gonna not run your full length—
[OOC] Yeah.
[OOC] —you would, I think, still feel confident that barring a terrible roll, it
should be relatively easy for you to toss something over Vynos’ head.
[OOC] He’s trying to chuck a grenade from this grenade maker in such a way that it bounces off the top of the filing cabinet and toward the ceiling. Or I guess: is there anything else on top of the filing cabinet? Maybe there’s a chair on top of it, I don’t know.
Mike / GM
Bijan / Remy Nick / Vynos
Bijan / Remy Nick / Vynos Bijan / Remy Mike / GM
Bijan / Remy Mike / GM
Bijan / Remy Mike / GM Bijan / Remy
Mike / GM
[OOC] Yeah, there’s—it’s like a precarious pile of just office furniture, so yeah, there’s a chair on top of it, and on top of the chair is—
[OOC] He’s just trying to hit a bank shot, and bank the grenade up to the ceiling. [OOC] You’re shooting a grenade at the pile of furniture I’m running at to turn
off a panel?
[OOC] Yes.
[OOC] Okay. Great.
[OOC] [laughs] I mean, there’s no guarantee this will work, so.
[OOC] So you jog down this dark room, trailing Vynos, and you pull out the weird calipers that aren’t calipers, and you futz with the controls on the face of is weird little box, and—
[OOC] And then just start wiggling the calipers back and forth. Ooh! Didn’t pass the Reason check.
[OOC] Yeah, there's a little green screen on it, like a little readout, and you can see that there’s a bunch of like numbers, scrolling back and forth on it. And you can tell that as you turn the dial some of the numbers scroll by faster and some scroll by slower, and you get the sense that maybe what you need to do is get them all to stop, and that you’re kind of calibrating it to know what it’s supposed to do. But you can't figure it out.
[OOC] Yeah.
[OOC] It’s not doing anything.
[OOC] Yep. So...yeah. Nothing happens. but Remy is headed in that direction, right behind Vynos.
[OOC] The gnomes do the same thing, they run towards Vynos, they make a break for it. I guess Pop sort of takes up the rear. Vynos: it’s your go. You can, in this turn, run a normal amount of distance—like, you don’t have to strain yourself—and get to the pile of furniture.
Nick / Vynos
Taylor / Pop Nick / Vynos Taylor / Pop Nick / Vynos
Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem Mike / GM
Taylor / Salesthem
[OOC] Okay, so he gets to the pile of furniture, climbs up it carefully, and asks Pop: [IC] Okay now, how do I turn this thing off, Pop?
[IC] Well, I think that the—uh, it was pretty easy to turn it on. [IC] Yes.
[IC] You gotta get up in there, boy!
[OOC] So I [laughter] I go to try to get up in there. Mike, is there any Movement check or anything to see how well I get up it, or do I actually have access to the panel now?
[OOC] So it’s actually pretty sturdy. Pop did a pretty—it doesn’t look like it is, but all the things are very heavy and well made, so you climb up this thing and you push on the panels and they give way.
[OOC] Yeah.
[OOC] Taylor, what does Vynos see when he sticks his head in the ceiling?
[OOC] What you see is a cube of throbbing mottled flesh of many colors [gross-out noises from various cast members] with dozens and dozens and dozens of these right angled but nevertheless shimmering moist biological pipes and tubes running into this sort of central nexus. It’s about the size of a nice old tv! Not too big. But it’s putting out heat, you can feel the vibration coming from it, and from you know, within, you can hear the very distinct and recognizable thrum of a high-powered computational device. On the exterior are tons of, like, bone, and tendon, like switches and gauges and sliders and knobs. Ports!
[OOC] Eeugh! This is like a David Cronbenberg—
[OOC] Yeah. Umm...[IC] Pop! Do you remember what switch you chose? There
are several!
[IC] I was trying a whole bunch! cause I was trying to— [IC] Alright...
Mike / GM Nick / Vynos
Taylor / Pop Nick / Vynos
Taylor / Pop Nick / Vynos
Taylor / Salesthem Nick / Vynos Taylor / Salesthem Nick / Vynos Taylor / Salesthem Nick / Vynos Taylor / Salesthem Mike / GM
Nick / Vynos Mike / GM
Nick / Vynos Jenn / Merkis
Mike / GM Shannon / Beta Jenn / Merkis
[IC] I, I thought that what it was was a communications tower, did not know it was a machine that controlled a nice man.
[OOC] Whichever way that most of the switches are facing towards, Vynos pushes them all the opposite way. [laughter]
[OOC] Yeah, a giant voice chimes out: [IC] shut down confirm? [IC] YES!
[IC] Shut down confirmed. Last chance! To cancel shut down. [OOC] Vynos is silent.
[IC] Would you like to cancel shut down? [laughter]
[IC] No, confirm shut down!
[IC] Shut down con...fir...mmm... [OOC] The light goes out.
[OOC] You are all in a massive darkened cubicle office full of garbage and the previously brightly red lit ceiling, and in certain locations, bright white and hot lit ceiling, is now off.
[OOC] Oh, what about the portals?
[OOC] The clouds of small foldgates in this room all disappear. If you turn back,
however, the one that is held open by the foldgate stabilizer remains stabilized. [OOC] Vynos just collapses on top of the file cabinet, just breathing hard. [heavy,
slow breaths]
[OOC] Merkis falls backwards with Deep River still on top of him. [laughs] [IC]
Augh! Ohh! Goodness!
[OOC] Yeah, it is now a normal temperature where you are.
[OOC] Beta says: [IC] Great job Vynos! Okay. Who is in the worst shape here? [OOC] And are they still connected?
Mike / GM Taylor / Pop Nick / Vynos
Taylor / Pop Nick / Vynos [1:05:00] Taylor / Pop Nick / Vynos Taylor / Pop Nick / Vynos Taylor / Pop Nick / Vynos Taylor / Pop Nick / Vynos Mike / GM Shannon / Beta Taylor / Pop Nick / Vynos Jenn / Merkis
[OOC] Yeah, I mean, it’s four minutes, right?
[IC] Ah, you turned the nice young man off! [laughter]
[IC] Ah, Pop, listen to me carefully: please, don’t ever turn the nice man on again. Please.
[IC] Don’t turn the who on again?
[IC] The nice man! [laughter] The man that you think is nice—
[IC] Is he back?
[IC] —who tried to kill us!
[IC] Ah, tell ‘em I said hello!!
[IC] NO! I’m not gonna do that. You never mind this area at all, please! [IC] Who is this in my head?
[IC] It’s still Vynos.
[IC] Vynos?
[IC] Yes! The old man on top of the file cabinet. We’ll talk later! [laughter] [OOC] It’s such a shame you can’t hang up your own brain.
[OOC] Yeah.
[IC] This is a kind of hell!
[IC] Yes! I agree! [laughter]
[OOC] I imagine Beta is like Lily Tomlin playing operator!
Shannon / Beta Jenn / Merkis Shannon / Beta
[OOC] Yes!
[OOC] Like: “operator?”
[OOC] Beta knows that she could disconnect them right now, but is like: no, they can—this is fine.
[OOC] Deep River climbs off of Merkis and a big chunk of her hair has been singed close to her head. She looks at Merkis and says: [IC] you’ve got a sunburn!
[OOC] And you can see little dry patches on his skin. But he gets out a little—what is it called?—
[OOC] Oh yeah!
[OOC] Stim-tanel? Which are basically like bandaids, and puts one on where
Deep River was burned—like was it the back of her? [OOC] Side.
[OOC] Or the front of her? It was the side, yeah. So he puts this stimtanel patch on there. And it’s...d4 healing. Hold on...
[OOC]It doesn’t come close to fixing it, but she says: [IC] Oh, thank you. That feels...
[OOC] It’s just two, just two little points of recovery.
[IC] Feels good! [OOC] [laughter] her head is smoking! [IC] That feels...good. [OOC] And he’s just matching her intense staring like they were in the elevator. [OOC] Deep River...kisses Merkis. [cast screams]
[OOC] Kiss cam! Kiss cam!
Taylor / Deep
Jenn / Merkis
Mike / GM Jenn / Merkis
Taylor / Deep Jenn / Merkis
Taylor / Deep
Jenn / Merkis
Taylor / Deep
Jenn / Merkis
Taylor / Deep Shannon / Beta [choral music begins]
Jenn / Merkis
Shannon / Beta Mike / GM
Taylor / Deep River Jenn / Merkis
Mike / GM
Nick / Vynos
[theme music begins]
Mike / GM
[OOC] And it’s just teakettle noises the whole time, for a full minute [squeals, like a teakettle]. And his earflaps just completely unfurl and just go FWING!
[OOC] Thank god Beta is not seeing this. She would be so pissed.
[OOC] You are lit only by the dull glow of the stabilized foldgate that is pouring out the light of bright Kakudun through about twenty five meters of the Escheresque, so it’s, you know, you’re lit by what is effectively moonlight in this moment.
[OOC] Aww. Gosh, that’s sweet.
[OOC] And then afterward Merkis is just wiping the mucus off her face.
[OOC] Everybody over at the furniture monolith hears the dull teakettle noise of Merkis in the distance, and it’s mostly dark...except for the stabilized foldgate.
[OOC] Vynos walks over to the foldgate; goes to reach out to grab the foldgate stabilizer. He pauses and then turns to his crew and says: [IC] Don’t we need to go to Kakudun?
[OOC] You are now leaving Float City. Thanks for listening, and thanks to everybody who supported us over the last two weeks during our fundraiser, fun city has been trying to raise some cash so we can hire an editor in the hopes of making release more consistent and reliable. If you like the show, and you want to help us keep making it, head on over to patreon.com forward slash Fun City Ventures. Five bucks a month gets you access to a whole other show called Fun Chatty, it gets you access to our rad as heck discord full of very weird and smart nerds, it gets you access to music playlists, and more, it is...a wild deal. You know you wanna. Patreon.com forward slash Fun City Ventures. And of course, thanks to all of our current patrons for help keeping this ship afloat.
[theme music concludes] [Credits music begins]
Bijan / Remy
Jenn / Merkis
Shannon / Beta Nick / Vynos
Taylor Mike / GM
[OOC] Hi. I’m Bijan Stephen, and I play Remy Tester on Float City. You can find me online on twitter, at Bijan / Remystephen, on twitch, at the same name, and on instagram, at Bijan / Remycakes.
[OOC] I’m Jenn de la Vega. I play Merkis Imeldar. You can find me on twitter and instagram at randwiches. That’s the word sandwiches, but replace the ‘s’ with an ‘r’!
[OOC] This is Shannon Odell, I play Beta CommBot. You can find me on social at shodell.
[OOC] Hello, this is Nick Guercio, and I play Lux on Fun City and Vynos on Float City. You can find me at NicholasGuercio on twitter and nguercio on instagram.
[OOC] I’m Taylor Moore, and I play all the cool, interesting characters. You can follow me at Taylor.Biz [sinister laugh].
[OOC] My name is Mike Rugnetta; I am your GM, and you can find me on twitter and instagram at MikeRugnetta. You can find the show on twitter and instagram at FunCityVentures. Float City is played in a soon-to-be-released system called Stillfleet, which you can find on twitter, instagram, and patreon at Stillfleet. This episode of Float City was recorded at various locations around Brooklyn, NY. It was produced, edited, and sound-designed by me, Mike Rugnetta.
“The citizens of New York close their books and lock their chests; the mariners of Boston drop their anchors unlaid. Pixlriffs casts his pen upon the earth...” Fun City’s music is by Sam Tyndall; Remy's flute playing is by Jake Fridkis; our art is by Tess Stone; our Discord mods are Olivia Gulin, Kit Pulliam and Kestrel; and the voice of Artemis is Molly Templeton.
[Credits music concludes]